MIRA Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct is based on principles, values, and behaviors rooted in the ethical concepts of:

  • Equity and Justice: People are to be treated fairly, without discrimination, abuse, or exploitation. All members can access opportunities that allow for their full participation in the MIRA community.
  • Respect: People are to be treated as individuals with rights to be honoured and defended, and the rights of individuals to exercise informed consent shall be respected. This respect also requires, subject to disclosure required by law, the utmost respect for privacy rights.
  • Personal Responsibility: People are to exhibit courteous behaviour, protect the rights of others, and avoid doing harm to others.

This Code of Conduct applies to all MIRA Members and Board Members.  All volunteers, contractors, and visitors engaging in any MIRA-related activities are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this Code.

The objectives of this Code of Conduct are to provide direction to members around expected conduct whilst affiliated with MIRA.  This code cannot and does not cover every possible situation.  You can, however, test yourself on whether your behaviour is ethical by asking yourself three questions, namely:

Would I be happy to have what I am saying or doing appear on the front page of the newspaper?

  • Is what I am saying or doing serving a purpose beyond my own self-interest?
  • Would I like to be spoken to or treated in this way?

Core Values:

While not exhaustive in nature, the following core values are considered fundamental to the health, welfare, and good governance of our club. All members are expected to:

  1. Follow Club rules and policies
  2. Be friendly, welcoming, and behave in a courteous manner 
  3. Be patient, thoughtful, and supportive of others
  4. Seek to maintain and develop their amateur radio skills and knowledge
  5. Practice clear, respectful communication and constructive debate, while being respectful of differences of opinion
  6. Avoid destructive behaviour, including harassment, discrimination, or abuse; be mindful of words and gestures that may lead to alienation or conflict
  7. Show discretion in keeping confidential any sensitive information acquired in the course of MIRA activities
  8. Seek Board approval to use MIRA facilities, equipment, or supplies; and care appropriately for and return all borrowed equipment and supplies
  9. Dress appropriately when involved in public events on behalf of MIRA
  10. Not appear in public on behalf of MIRA when under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  11. Discreetly report to the Board, in writing, any infractions to the Code of Conduct they may have witnessed 
  12. Seek guidance from the Board on interpreting any part of this Code of Conduct or the appropriateness of any activity or behaviour that might be called into question 

Administration of this Code of Conduct:

Concerns related to members breaching this Code of Conduct should be put in writing and brought to the attention of the Board. Infractions will be investigated and addressed as outlined below:

  1. Board will meet to discuss the infraction identified within 14 days of receiving report.
  2. Both the complainant and the person accused of misconduct will be granted an opportunity to be heard in a safe manner. Either party may bring a support person to this meeting.
  3. Within 30 days of such meeting the Board will make a decision regarding the complaint.

Examples of possible outcomes are: warning, reprimand, reparation, expulsion, or dismissal of the complaint. In the event the Board recommends expulsion from MIRA the matter will be put to the Membership pursuant to Article 8 of the MIRA Bylaws.