At our monthly meeting this May (2024), MIRA Executive and members took time to recognize the outstanding and longstanding contributions of three of our members.

The club recognized Len (VE7XLH) for his commitment to the club specifically and most recently for his long-dedicated service as a volunteer examiner.  The plaque was presented which also confirmed his acceptance as a Honorary member of the club.

Len admires his plaque, with Dave VE7TE (our president) standing behind and Peter Rossiter (VA7XSK) sitting beside.

A second plaque was also presented to Keith (VA7TAF) and Maragret Smith in recognition of their long service to the club.  Keith is considered a founding member, and was also recognized for his work as the club’s historian.  The club wishes Keith and Margaret all the best as they take up new residence closer to family in Alberta.  Keith was also confirmed as a Honorary member of the club.

Keith Smith (VA7TAF) and his wife Margaret (seated), with Dave (VE7TE) standing behind.

A big thank you to both for many years of service to MIRA!



Licensed in 1972, upgraded to Advanced in 1973. Out of the hobby until 2015 and moved to Parksville/French Creek in 2021. HF, VHF/UHF