MIRA Name Badges available!
For those wishing to have a MIRA name badge, please send the treasurer@midislandradio.ca the payment of $12.00. Also send allan.munnik@gmail the name and callsign you wish on the Name Badge…
Parksville / Qualicum Beach B.C. Amateur (Ham) Radio Club
For those wishing to have a MIRA name badge, please send the treasurer@midislandradio.ca the payment of $12.00. Also send allan.munnik@gmail the name and callsign you wish on the Name Badge…
On Wednesday, Sept. 11th a small, but intrepid group of MIRA members braved the mid-September weather (possible rainshowers and/or thunder :-0 ) to activate a park and a summit on…
As summer of 2024 draws to a close, the members of the Mid-Island Radio Association took time to gather, once again, to enjoy each other’s company and re-conect. On Thursday,…
Scott (VA7LMP) and I (Larry VE7VJ) have been chatting on 2M SSB. They would like to see a few more people on SSB but aren't interested in a net so…
At our monthly meeting this May (2024), MIRA Executive and members took time to recognize the outstanding and longstanding contributions of three of our members. The club recognized Len (VE7XLH)…
For those who are unaware, Keith Smith, VA7TAF, is the official MIRA historian. In 2010, Keith sat down with some of the founders of MIRA to record their stories about…
During a Breakfast Bunch net hosted by VE7FB in November 2019, Rod (VE7FB) offered the insight that our club is, at heart, its stories. Let that sink in for a…